Sunday 7 November 2010


I've never experienced anything like this before. At one point in my life I decided that I was going to be a doctor. A fully fledged hero of a doctor. Then, about three years ago, I realised that this was never going to happen. So the dream changed. It changed from a nurse, to a teacher, back to a nurse, landed on a photographer, and ended up on a human resources consultant. Now, to me that seems like a pretty broad spectrum of desirable jobs. But I've came to my senses, realised what I want to do, and know that I am capable of achieving it. With a lot of bloody hard work!

The purpose of this 'blog' really is for me to have a moan, and a giggle, and a rant, and a happy mood chat to anyone reading about my life in general. My moves towards starting university next year, my ever changing circle of friends, and my extremely busy schedule. I mean, I could guarantee that even Barak Obama has more free time than I do at the moment!

Till next time! X

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